Virtual Case Companion

Developed by Kristin Krumenacker, 3rd year medical student

 Practice clinical reasoning and apply your knowledge from class to interview & examine a patient, interpret labs, and arrive at a diagnosis!

This is a prototype game using interactive fiction to create an engaging virtual case experience for medical students to practice history-taking, physical exam, and lab interpretation skills in a consequence-free environment. As opposed to paper cases or currently available online video-based cases, the cases unfold in response to the player's input, encouraging the player to be thorough in their patient encounter.  All of the information to make a correct diagnosis is in the case; listen carefully to  your patient!

Basic Controls:

  • ask (topic) / ask about (topic)
  • examine (body part) / examine (labs/images)
  • perform (maneuver)
  • Other controls are explained in-game using command "read instructions".


  • Feedback on H&P performance (based on how many key details/findings were elicited by player)
  • Detailed  explanation at the end of every case
  • Sidebar with reference lab values
  • More challenging cases are unlocked as you progress, often with the same chief complaint but different final diagnosis to hone learning
  • Optional transcription that can be saved for personal use or sent to developer for improvements


Game development & case author: Kristin Krumenacker

Development log